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24 Jan 14 Senior Futures

 January 24th Senior Center Futures Workshop -- Story NOTES


Every public organization maintain public garden including mill site.
Catchment system on roofs
communal sharing of “eating”
food exchange markets
all local land be in food production and distribution
food, fuel, mortages, machinery-export money
co-housing- new model-new approaches
economic comfort acccessible to everyone
general healthcare
subsidized housing
public bank
library of equipment
ride sharing
Practical education
decentralized education- used by everyone
kids as teachers
integration of physical facilities and sharing of community knowledge
Comprehensive services- accessible to everyone, using latest technology
we will have a thriving hospital and clinic
home health- access to physician, skype
single payer system
more training for young people in the medical field
preventative healthcare- classes, equipment shared
paramedic coming to house- rapid response
alternative fuels
locally sustainable community energy
independence- each house has own energy source
hydrogen powered cars
sustainable clean energy
not dependent on corporations
production plants that turns trash into fuel
combination of non-polluting vehicle sharing
cars, buses
ride sharing
bike ways next to highway instead of on highway
bike friendly towns
expanded bus system, especially for seniors
common house on every block
take down the fence
interdependent community
communal living
four day work week
Housing / Culture
North Coast is the center of an evolving global consciousness of ease and relationships
Simple and sublime lifestyle looks like wealth
City blocks become active and involved with each other
Neighborhood communal spaces – unneeded garages, common houses, backyard fences gone along with the dead cars - revival of affiliative spaces
Alley houses legalized and renovated as energy efficient mother-in-law / single-person cottages
Bilingual cousinry (in the sense that all neighbors are related)
Neighborhood tool libraries, shared pick-up, tutoring and apprenticeship, one dog and one cat per clan
Recreational opportunites arranged to be shared – playgrounds with activities for mixed ages
Cooperative (instead of competitive) exchanges with nearby communities – Interdependency
Honest and verifiable analysis of housing stock, identification of “haunted” houses, houses with designs that are destructive of families. Such houses become “resource mines” and are demolished and their parts recycled. “Good” houses – energy efficient, houses that have been successful family homes – are analyzed and replicated
In particular, overly large houses become if not community gathering places and guest houses, recycling resource for more appropriate habitations
Increased need for precious resources, reduced reliance on personal transport has resulted in better waste management – zero waste – and perfect transport, including much more walking, biking. This liberates garages to become small neighborhood business incubators
Less restless mobility results in more relationship. Communities of interest as well as geography evolve, enabled by the internet and telepresence
Everyone has more personal time – a 3 day work week, and at least one day a week given to volunteerism. The 4-day non-work week enables everyone to be an artist, a gardener, a researcher, a teacher, a student
A program of easy cultural exchange enables us to go out and experience “the other” – life in other communities, especially for the young. Young ones are encouraged to go out “for awhile” but tend to return to the tribe ... but while away the tribe stays together through improved telepresence
Differences between the ages is eroded ... and erodes naturally, due to the interdependence.
Cultural and other forms of exchange develop with nearby communities: Willits trades wild rice, rice, corn, tomatoes, peppers and wheat for our artichokes, lettuce, kale, potatoes, berries, and fish.

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