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Slow the Flow, Catch the Action

Because we spent a decade on stopping energy and water waste and increasing efficiency, our usage decreased by half. The guiding principle became "Slow the Flow, Catch the Action". At the same time, hundreds of small decentralized energy generation projects of all different kinds came on line, until bit by bit the coast moved toward energy independence, with the added bonus of keeping all the power producing and water management jobs and development here at home. Nearly everyone catches and stores water, and has some kind of grey water reuse on site, reducing municipal demand. We no longer make garbage, just raw materials for the next use. Waste transformation and usable product life extension happens everywhere - creating lively new businesses.

The guiding principle became “Slow the Flow, Catch the Action”. The Energy Commission coordinated with state and federal incentive and loan programs, and revitalized local financial institutions, to capitalize small scale energy projects and household generation efforts. Hundreds of small decentralized energy generation projects of all different kinds came on line, until bit by bit the coast moved toward energy independence, with the added bonus of keeping all the power producing and water management jobs and development here at home. Nearly everyone catches and stores water, and has some kind of grey water reuse on site, reducing municipal demand. We preheat our water with the sun, and store heat in our buildings. We no longer make garbage, just raw materials for the next use. Waste transformation and usable product life extension happens everywhere - creating lively new businesses.

<< EDUCATION in 2020HOUSING in 2020 >>

localizing energy : Michael Potts : 2009-02-12 17:48:23

We can do this.

I propose that small towns like Elk, Caspar, and Westport could begin by making their downtowns independent "islands" of renewable energy, so that when (inevitably) the outside supply fails (for the Oscars or Super Bowl, as has happened many times) we could keep the lights from going out downtown.

It used to work that way in Fort Bragg.

Of course we "downtowners" would all need to go on an energy diet -- no electric heaters, stoves, hot water -- but we'd be losing them anyway. Keep the lights on, the tunes and even the TV up, and above all the pumps and refrigerators running, and we'd all be much more resilient during Natural Holidays when the grid goes down!

ENERGY in 2020 : Charles Bush return to Headlands University home
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