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How this works, and Things we need to decide

I imagine that this site's home page is where we put an announcement of the November event, and possibly the reservation link, as well as a portal into whatever's going on in the Coast 2020 library.

How it works now:

  • Anyone coming to the website is recognized as a guest unless  the code for entry as an editor is given.
  • Anyone can make a comment. Editor's comments are posted immediately. Guests' are recorded, and the moderator is notified they exist.  She posts relevant ones and redirects queries to the appropriate editor.

Up for discussion and decision:

  • If there are members, what do we want to make them tell us when they sign up? And how secure should this site be? I suggest we make it fairly secure, but also fairly friendly. Whether people can gain immediate access or must be "accepted" should make for some dandy conversations. I think we should make this decision without consultation, aiming to be as permissive as we feel we can be. We may want to evaluate the member database as a means for organizing members -- for emailings (obviously a problem) and phone trees. It's easy to make the email and phone number mandatory and key elements in the password scheme.
  • What level of moderation are we up to, and who are the moderators? For now, I'm the moderator, and I expect to be permissive. Questions asked of me as comments will be replied to by email but posted (as an FAQ?) only if others would benefit from seeing them.
  • How is the information organized? By the topics already used, with provisions for adding more as we go along?
  • Scripting the system is easier the simpler the data we keep herein. Simple HTML is possible, and the FCK editor makes it easy to generate. It appears to help with people working in Weird and other strange word processors that are not well-behaved when their copy is dumped into a "pure" content manager. Can we insist on simplicity? Or only urge it? What happens when someone posts garbage?
  • When "abuse" gets reported, who handles it? I'm up for being part of the moderation team, but I can't be the only or even the main moderator once the site gets rolling.
  • ...and ever so many questions as yet unanticipated...

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Workings and Decisions : Michael Potts return to Headlands University home
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website by Caspar Institute site designed by the Caspar Institute
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last updated 3 May 2019 :m: 11:05 Caspar (Pacific) time
all content and photos placed in the public domain under the
GNU Free Documentation license
c2020/lib.php p=146 s_op=
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no sessop
sess auth 2, exclu: FALSE, `stat` = "0"
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Connected successfully
copy sql: SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `id` = "146" LIMIT 1
lib show increment counter: 2045 -> 2046
, reads: 2046
1 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 5
2 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `cat` = "story" AND `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `order`
2 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `cat` = "info" AND `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `order`
2 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `cat` = "people" AND `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `order`
2 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `cat` = "Caspar" AND `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `order`
2 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `cat` = "timing" AND `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `order`
2 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `cat` = "action" AND `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `order`
2 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `cat` = "press" AND `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `order`
2 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `cat` = "FAQ" AND `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `order`
2 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `cat` = "query" AND `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `order`
2 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `cat` = "factoid" AND `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `order`
2 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `cat` = "suggestion" AND `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `order`
2 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `cat` = "link" AND `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `order`
2 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `cat` = "help" AND `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `order`
2 copy sql:SELECT * FROM `vchunks` WHERE `cat` = "other" AND `stat` = "0" ORDER BY `order`
com sql: SELECT * FROM vcomments WHERE `rel`="146" AND ( `stat` = "0" OR `author` = "" ) ORDER BY `id`
operator, artop, author, chauthor: guest, mrp, , Michael Potts
i_head.php called by c20lib
logged in as guest
footer mem_init: