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"A Student for Every Teacher - and a Teacher for Every Student"

By following the principle of "A Student for Every Teacher - and a Teacher for Every Student", the local schools have transformed into a network that uses the public coast wireless broadband network to link information providers and information consumers of all ages. The bus system gets everyone around. The central school facilities are linked with community based programs, internships, apprenticeships, on-the-job learning and tutorials as well as to teachers, equipment and workshops everywhere. Quite a number of educational and training enterprises have started up - including several large public and private ones. This learning network attracts short and long term visitors every year who come to study and learn in our community. Our still thriving visitor economy increasingly attracts guests who come and stay to learn, to experience our extraordinary community first hand, as well as to play.

After we took an inventory of the skills and knowledge held in our north coast "brain trust", we invited everyone to make their abilities available to others. Suddenly we had hundreds of highly motivated teachers, who could use the network and bus system to connect with equally motivated students. We turned the whole community into one big school - and we all seem to be getting smarter every day. While local schools still provide the core of basic instruction to children, they have greatly expanded the role of professional educators, who now function as learning consultants to us all.

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last updated 3 May 2019 :m: 11:05 Caspar (Pacific) time
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