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Caspar ECONOMICS from Rhoda

To stay the same, something has to change

I spend my Caspar coins on glazes which come from the Congo.

participatory budget.

We have a desalination plant and we trade water for goods and services.

Land is ok just being by itself.

Grow my own potatoes.

We have bee hives which gives us honey and candles.

We have marine resources and we sell or trade fish, abalone, etc.

We maintain Caspar creek as pristine.

We maintain Jackson State Forest and use its wood for our houses and replant it.

We recycle our own garbage.

We make our own glass beads, glasses and dishes recycling broken glass from our glass dump.

We have a community social welfare center which houses people who can help us find jobs, train us, give us psychological and wellness assistance.

We are self insured.

We have our own local and efficient energy such as wave, windmills, solar.

Our highway bounces as cars pass by and creates 'bounce energy'!!!

We have gutters at the community center and at every home which pour rain water into ceramic cisterns made locally to save up our rain water. Then the water is used in pools to fish in, in therapeutic baths which draw tourists, in mineral baths, for saunas, and pools for water aerobics. Our waste water makes a sludge we can use for fuel and fertilizer.




In exchange for swimming in our pools, visitors bring us fresh fruits and legumes and vegitables that we can't grow here.

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last updated 3 May 2019 :m: 11:05 Caspar (Pacific) time
all content and photos placed in the public domain under the
GNU Free Documentation license
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