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updated HEALTH
"Health Begins at Home"

Putting way more focus on sustaining and creating health than on treating disease, worked to transform health care on the coast. Guided by the principle that "Health Begins at Home" the all-inclusive Consortium of Health Care Professionals directed a massive five year health education project, and we all learned how to increase basic healthiness and to respond to minor injuries and health issues at home and with our neighbors. A number of neighborhood "Be Healthy Centers" opened to provide preventive health support and routine screening and basic services at little or no cost, before people engaged the more specialized professional health care practitioners. As a result the anticipated Doctor shortage never materialized. These two programs alone reduced the coast medical costs by almost a third. Now it looks like the coast is in the process of forming its own non-profit single payer insurance group, specifically tailored to our needs and resources. Although more people are working in health care, the total bill is much lower, and the money stays here.

While the cost of disease treatment continues to rise nationally, coastal residents spend on staying healthy, and treating their everyday minor medical needs at the lowest and most economically appropriate level. We also collectively support a state of the art, small hospital/treatment facility, staffed by excellent physicians and technicians who value our coastal way of life, and can count on strong economic support from our community based universal insurance system. Health practitioners come to visit and learn here where all the healing arts work and learn together - maintaining the integrity of their own specialties while providing residents with integrated health support and disease treatment.

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