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updated FOOD
"Eat What We Grow, and Grow What We Eat"

Once we grasped that the multi million dollar food industry on the coast was nearly entirely an import product - export money type of business, change really began with such a simple idea - “Eat What We Grow, and Grow What We Eat”. Half the food we eat now is grown locally, and the percentage increases every year. A wide range of processed speciality foods are exported. School, senior and hospital food services buy and serve local food, as do many coast restaurants. Hundreds of household gardens were installed with the help of the Youth Food Intern Program. The integration of the retail, distribution, growing, and processing components of the local food network has created wealth and a high level of services and products for everyone. No one goes hungry on the coast anymore. Several hundred new jobs and a variety of businesses have emerged in the food sector and thousands of acres are back in food production. Farmers are local heroes.

A group called Farm Futures started meeting regularly. They created an educational network for farmers that helped make land, funding and housing available for new farmers. The farmers market grew steadily, began to offer a winter market, and many more value added products were produced at several local community kitchens. A group of local producers and food activist worked together with major food retailers to create an efficient, low cost, easy to use, county wide distribution and food storage network. Our local community was so successful at building a healthy food system that government agencies at every level responded by implementing positive farm and garden friendly policies.

Frame for Coast 2020 >>

Where is the input? : Michael Potts : 2014-01-15 09:33:48

I am astonished that, after all these years, there are no comments. Do we really not want to climb into the future with our eyes open? Or are we too busy sexting each other and taking selfies?

Food : Bettylou Whaley : 2014-01-23 10:03:33

This all sounds wonderful, but why haven't I read anything about this (local food production) in the papers? I read the FB Advocate, AVA and New Settler Interview regularly.

Where are the " thousands of acres" that are back in food production?

" Government agencies at every level implemented positive farm and garden friendly policies."

What policies are these?

Frank Hartzell recently floated the idea that farmland should be taxed at a rate similar to that in the TPZ enjoyed by the timber companies.

testing the system : Michael Potts : 2019-05-03 15:17:40

This is a test comment

testing the system : Michael Potts : 2019-05-03 15:31:37

This is a test comment and another and another

testing the system : Michael Potts : 2019-05-10 10:48:50

a third test comment.

updated FOOD : Charles Bush return to Headlands University home
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