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Caspar CULTURE from Rhoda

I wake up in the morning at 76 years old and walk my dog across Caspar Creek to the Caspar Cafe where I drink coffee from beans or tea brought to our warehouse by a sail boat from Panama or China. I eat eggs from Judy's chickens. I listen to a local musician. I eat fresh pastries from the bakery on site which uses wood from our forests in an oven made from our local mud by the young folks who have returned to live here. I feel warm and secure being surrounded by friends and their kids running around. I pay for my meal using Caspar Coins I received by selling my jewelry and pottery which I made at home and in town. I sit in the cafe and flirt with a single male journalist who is visiting from another town's newspaper that is interested in writing about Caspar's achievements as a model for green living by consensus. I will then go to our town's art studio and make pots learning from Alison and Liz. The supplies we need are imported by boat or horses to our warehouse on the wharf where a retired volunteer hands out our goods to us and receives our products to ship around the world. We have ordered our supplies on line. I pick up my beads from Africa and walk them home to my house and make my jewelry in delicious silence and then slowly walk them back to the wharf to ship them out to my on line customers.

We read our news on line with Caspar on the front 'page' including cartoons making fun of our foibles which nudge us into enlightened social behavior as we are still libertines. Our radios keep us up to date and treat us to music from around the world from many ages. We eat our lunch around our earth oven and barbecue our fresh Salmon from our crystal clear Caspar Creek as we have already cleaned up our dump. There is no more trash to recycle as we insulate with our used clothes and eat off of plates we made. We have an art gallery to visit full of our locally made art. We have a library to teach us what others have already invented. We have a tool library from which we borrow tools. We can also borrow cars and wet suits from our common store. We have vehicles parked in the Caspar Commons and we just drive them when needed and return them for the next person. Our vehicles are fueled by our natural resources being eucalyptus, methane or gorse oil. My home is warm from these local fuels and new technology shared with local wizards. We have a community Laundrymat using our grey water. We are all busily working horizontally as equals. Our visitors have guest houses here. We are a virtual reality show piped all over the world to entertain others. If I leave Caspar for a trip, I bring back goods for my neighbors.

<< ENVIRONMENT in CasparECONOMICS from Rhoda >>

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last updated 3 May 2019 :m: 11:05 Caspar (Pacific) time
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