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Notes for the Caspar economics STORY

total self insurance

community welfare brokerage house

total self insurance

self generated energy (efficiency)- keep the energy money at home

exchange center- no hoarding

road based charging system

recognized that water is foundation

shift value from stuff to relationship and appreciate the quality of stuff

we became super healthy

tap local wealth-community bank-investment returns-brain trust focus in

services switched from being monetized to being honored activity

moved to commons with owned buildings

land stewardship is major- taught/learned

circulating library of children-visit in and ivist out-they can get education, jobs and so go for culture

the land trust concept expanded to a nearly universal commons-hard tranformation

we developed a subtle process for

we are diversity committed and creatively engage with the dysfunctional

we've become color-diverse

we love art of all kinds

indian-spanish restaurants

rentals were an asset- allowed breath

donations to land trust

alternate 1

writer's colony

encourage diversity through a commons (Land Trust)




value relationship

share prosperity

[Charles's notes]

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last updated 3 May 2019 :m: 11:05 Caspar (Pacific) time
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operator, artop, author, chauthor: guest, mrp, , Charles Bush
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