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Welcome, friend of the Mendocino Coast

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Welcome to Mendocino Coast 2020 online. Thank you for visiting.

On this page you will find information about our mission and next meeting. On the right are the short titles of the topics in the library.

The latest notes from the Senior Center January 24th, 2014 Session can be found here. New stories will appear here as they are completed.

(The updated series was compiled by Charles Bush from suggestions by several hundred coast residents)

The question we asked was so very simple. "In the future, as a result of all of us working together to make our home community as good as possible, what will it be like to live here on the North Coast of Mendocino?"

At five public gatherings during the past year we listened to each other's dreams and visions. Here are our stories, woven from our shared sense of place and possibility. Perhaps in the coming year we can work backwards, adding more tales of the individual projects, enterprises and efforts that actually got ourselves to this lovely future.

What we're trying to do

Looking forward, we see many challenges, so many that we are at times transfixed and unable to imagine how to proceed. What kind of a world will we leave to our children? Will they thank us?

Maybe by looking backwards, from a time in the future when we have been able to respond to the challenges, we can "remember" how we solved the problems and found the answers? Even if we can't remember, we can help steer better if we know where we intend to go. This process is called backcasting.

The time we have chosen is 2020, a scant eleven years from now. We have organized into interest groups, one for each of the main topics of concern.

The core of our work so far consists of stories that describe life in the year 2020 -- you can read them by clicking on one of the titles at right. We invite your participation in our meetings -- see below -- and by commenting on the stories, offering suggestions about how to get there from here, and by sharing your special knowledge and any information that can help.

We have met every quarter since Spring, 2008.

No events are scheduled at this time. The work is proceding online, right here. We invite you to browse the library, feel free to comment, or tell us your backcasting stories.

What to do next

If this is your first visit to our website, may we respectfully urge you to start your visit by reading the stories beginning with FOOD, then browse around from there?

FOOD in 2020
HEALTH in 2020
ENERGY in 2020
HOUSING in 2020
CULTURE in 2020
A Larger Frame

Coast 2020 at CasparFest
Breakfast with the Future

Welcome home
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last updated 16 October 2008 :m: 11:02 Caspar (Pacific) time
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